Friday, December 19, 2008

Less Practice for the Meathead Idiot

Keep that arm that can't throw more than 20 yards fresh...

Am I the only one who thinks Favre needs more practice...I don't know... maybe so he can hit a receiver in stride or not throw the ball over a standing-still Keller's head from 10 yards away?

This team is searching for anything right now. Who is more desperate, the Jets or Evander Holyfield?

Now that I've thought more about this whole pressure thing from my previous post. Maybe Favre is immune. By the time articles of the Jets' collapse are written he'll have been shuttled back to his outpost in Mississippi where he doesn't know how to use the internet, where he doesn't get the NY papers, doesn't watch the NY TV channels, and doesn't listen to NY radio. The only sports news he'll get will be from ESPN which will either filter out all the negative Favre stuff or just sweep the whole thing under the rug. ESPN is probably telling Boras and Teixiera to not make a decision until Brett is done. That way SportsCenter will focus 99% on Teixeira then briefly mention the "Jets" lost.

Meantime, Brett will read that book that some numbnuts posted in the comments containing fan letters to Brett.


Anonymous said...

Your website is rather pathetic. The utter scorn and invective that you display on this site only serves as an indication of how empty, sad, and forlon your life must be.

I suspect that your desperate desire to criticize and condemn Favre arises out of the fact that, deep within the recesses of your soul, you realize that, compared to people like Favre, your life is an utter and complete failure. From a monetary perspective, Favre will earn more playing one game for the Jets than you will accumulate by working your drab, meaningless, manual-labor intensive, crappy 9-5 job till you reach the age of retirement. Now that's good for a laugh, huh? HAHAHAHAHAHA!

brettblows said...

Thanks doc. Do I have to pay you for that analysis?

Your arguments fail on the basis that there are plenty of ridiculously rich, famous, good looking people that I don't hate. I dont even hate Paris Hilton. Why? Because she hasn't ruined the Jets and people generally accept that she is a moron. People fail to realize this with Favre. He is a "gunslinger" who got lucky a few times. That kind of behavior should not be rewarded, because being a gunslinger is really just fucking dumb.

I would also contend that I don't display scorn and invective. Except for a few posts, I generally make reasonable observations and counterpoints.

brettblows said...

Also add to my lasy comment

"mixed with hyperbole for humorous purposes"

hankD said...

Thank you for saying what lots of diehard, core Jet fans think but are too intimidated by the brainwashed suck-up media to scream out. You are absolutely right to compare this guy to a washed up boxer that continues to get beat up for whatever reasons. Most "fans" are too dumb to see that this travesty is a disgrace that will effect the Jets for a couple of years, not to mention throwing a great person/player, true leader (not a selfish phony)under the bus for.

brettblows said...

Its for people like HankD, Fatts7, and a couple random Anonymi that I get out of bed in the morning...

Dont worry though. I think the NY media will step it up once the failure is certain. They dont want to go out on the limb just yet.